

pan macmillan

During October 2022, Jessica was asked to speak on the relationship between literature and black identity for an internal Black History Month event at Publishing house Pan Macmillan, London.



The Exodus Collective is a platform dedicated to inspiring members of the African Diaspora to relocate to the West Indies to live in surroundings where they can thrive and sustainably contribute to the development of the islands.

Jessica was interviewed by founder, talented journalist Zoe Smith (Rolling Stone, The Guardian and The New Internationalist) on the benefits of flitting between Jamaica and the UK and conscious relocation.



BookTrust Represents is a programme set up by the UK's largest children's reading charity which promotes and improves the representation of people of colour in children’s books so that all children read a range of books that reflect them and their wider communities.

Jessica was recruited by BookTrust Represents alongside a host of children’s book illustrators, authors and publishers to present a series of talks and videos on the business of self-publishing and bookselling.